trimester. During this month, both the mother and the baby experience significant changes.
These changes can be physical, emotional and developmental and they set the stage for the
next few months of pregnancy
At four months pregnant, the baby has grown significantly and is now about 12.5–14 cm long
and weighs around 150 grams. Although still small, the baby is developing rapidly. Some of the
key changes include:
● Facial Features: The baby’s facial features continue to develop. By now, the baby has
eyebrows, eyelashes and may even have hair on its head. The baby can also make
facial expressions, like yawning and sucking its thumb.
● Movement: The baby starts moving more frequently, exercising its muscles. Some
mothers may begin to feel these movements, which often feel like gentle fluttering or
butterflies in the tummy.
● Skin and Hair: The baby’s skin is covered with a fine layer of hair called lanugo and a
protective waxy coating called vernix starts to form on the skin.
● Organ Development: The baby’s organs, including the reproductive organs, are fully
developed by this stage. The nervous system is also starting to function and the baby’s
heartbeat is strong and detectable with ultrasound.
2.Changes in the Mother’s Body
The fourth month of pregnancy brings many changes for the mother, both physical and
● Growing Belly: The uterus is growing and will likely be below the belly button. As the
baby grows, the tummy becomes more noticeable and many women "show" at this point.
This can also cause abdominal discomfort or pain as the body adjusts.
● Skin Changes: Hormonal changes lead to an increase in melanin production, causing
dark patches on the skin (called chloasma) or a dark line running down the abdomen
(the linea nigra). These pigmentation changes usually fade after delivery.
● Stretch Marks: As the skin stretches to accommodate the growing baby, many women
will start to notice stretch marks on their tummy, breasts, or thighs. These marks are
normal and may fade after pregnancy.
● Increased Energy: After the fatigue of the first trimester, many women experience a
boost in energy. This is often called the "honeymoon" phase of pregnancy and it’s a
great time to get things done, like decorating, shopping, or preparing for the baby.
● Nasal and Sinus Issues: Pregnancy rhinitis is common during this time. Women may
experience nasal congestion, nosebleeds (epistaxis) and other sinus-related issues due
to hormonal changes and increased blood flow.
● Food Cravings: Many pregnant women notice food cravings during the fourth month.
It’s common to desire certain foods or even unusual combinations of food. Staying
mindful of a healthy diet is important, though.
3.Psychological and Emotional Changes
The second trimester often brings a sense of emotional stability. The early pregnancy
symptoms, like nausea and mood swings, usually subside and many women begin to feel more
relaxed. This is the time when women often start focusing more on the baby and preparing for
4.Ultrasound and Tests
At around 20 weeks, or four months pregnant, many women undergo an important ultrasound
known as the anomaly scan. This scan checks the development of the baby and ensures
everything is progressing as it should. It is a non-invasive and painless procedure.