What are the Physical and Emotional

Missed Period and Early Signs of Pregnancy

Missed periods can be the first sign of pregnancy. Other early signs may include light spotting,

known as implantation bleeding and mild cramping as the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus. If

you miss your period and think you’re pregnant, taking a home pregnancy test can confirm it.

1.Tender, Swollen Breasts

Hormonal changes start preparing the body for breastfeeding, causing breasts to feel tender or

swollen. This discomfort may lessen as the body adjusts to pregnancy hormones.

2.Fatigue and Tiredness

Fatigue is very common in early pregnancy due to the body’s work in adjusting to these

changes. You may need more sleep at night and short naps during the day can help. Energy

levels often improve by the second trimester.

3.Morning Sickness

Morning sickness, which includes nausea and sometimes vomiting, can start early in pregnancy.

Despite its name, "morning" sickness can strike at any time. Eating small, bland meals and

including ginger or vitamin B6 may help with nausea.

4.Frequent Urination

The body starts producing extra blood, which causes the kidneys to process more fluid. This

can lead to more frequent urination. As the uterus grows, it also presses on the bladder, making

the need to urinate more frequent.

5.Food Cravings and Aversions

Hormonal changes can alter your sense of taste and smell, sometimes causing unusual food

cravings or aversions. This can be a temporary symptom that often changes over the course of

the pregnancy.

6.Mood Swings

Pregnancy hormones can cause sudden mood changes. Feeling emotional, forgetful, or even

unfocused is common during the first month. Fatigue and stress may add to these feelings, but

rest and support from loved ones can help.

7.Heartburn and Constipation

Hormones slow down digestion, which may lead to heartburn or constipation. Eating small

meals, drinking water and avoiding fried or spicy foods may provide relief.

8.Lightheadedness and Dizziness

Increased blood production and changes in blood pressure can make you feel dizzy or

lightheaded. Eating regularly, resting and staying hydrated can help reduce these symptoms.

9.Vaginal Discharge

A thin, white discharge is normal in early pregnancy as the body creates a protective

environment for the developing baby. Mild spotting may also occur, but heavy bleeding should

be checked by a doctor.

10.Emotional Adjustments

Feeling excited, anxious, or overwhelmed is natural. Pregnancy is a time of major changes and

these mixed emotions are normal. Talking to a healthcare provider, loved ones, or other

parents-to-be can be reassuring

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